Alupag Fruit

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About Alupag Fruit
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About Alupag Fruit(Dimocarpus)

The Alupag tree, scientifically known asDimocarpus didyma, is an evergreen fruit bearing plant, indigenous to Philippines. It is a close relative of litchi and bears tasty fruits. The tree, around 7-10 meters tall, is evergreen. Leaves alternate, compound, up to 30 cm long with 6-9 pairs of leaflets the texture leathery. Rippled glossy green dorsally and lighter green beneath. Flowers are small, whitish, hermaphroditic, formed on terminal or axillary panicles. The fruit size is about 2.5-4 cm.

It is whitish, semi-transparent in flesh wrapped around a large black seed. It tastes delicious and juicy. The outward appearance looks warty, of rough peel, brownish and globular. Filipinos prefer to eat the fruits fresh but also processed and canned. The fruit is appreciated in its native range, but generally put aside for its better known and highly selected relatives, the lychee and longan. Alupag Fruit plants in Kerala is now available in our farm. .