Natal Plum Fruit

Buy Natal Plum Fruit
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About Natal Plum Fruit
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About Natal Plum Fruit(Carissa macrocarpa)

Carissa macrocarpa is a shrub native to South Africa. It is commonly known as the Natal plum and, in South Africa, the large num-num. In Zulu, as well as in the Bantu tribes of Uganda, it is called Amathungulu or umThungulu oBomvu. In Afrikaans the fruit is called noem-noem. It is commonly found in the coastal bush of the Eastern Cape and Natal. It produces shiny, deep green leaves and snowy white flowers whose perfumed scent intensifies at night. Like other Carissa species, C.

macrocarpa is a spiny, evergreen shrub containing latex. They bloom for months at a time. The ornamental plump, round, crimson fruit appears in summer and fall (autumn) at the same time as the blooms. A traditional food plant in Africa, this little-known fruit has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development and support sustainable landcare.Natal Plum fruit plants in Keralais now available in our farms. .

Growth Rate : 2 to 4 weeks

Fruit Color : Purple Red

Year to Bear : 2-4 Years

temperatures : Up to 32 °C