Kepel Fruit

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About Kepel Fruit
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About Kepel Fruit(Stelechocarpus burahol)

Stelechocarpus burahol is recognized by several other common and local names such as the kepel, kepel fruit, keppel fruit, kepel apple, or burahol. They are from the humid evergreen forests of Southeast Asia and it is an annonaceous plant type. And Kepel fruit plants in Keralais Avialable now. The fruit grown only in Java, it has been known in Java to have great value as an oral deodorant. When compared to the pulp and seed, the peel is believed to have the best adsorbent ability. Studies that were conducted during the year of 2012 states, that it reduces the odor of feces by activating the probiotic bacterium.

They have also been used to treat gout traditionally. While the fruits are believed to have some functional properties that prevent kidney inflammation, the leaves are used to lower cholesterol levels. With diuretic properties present in the fruit, it is said that they are good for the kidneys helping averting stone formation and healthy functioning..

Mature Width : 3-5 ft

Growth Rate : Fast

Fruit Color : Yellow

Year to Bear : 5-7 years